Local & SDC Treasurer Information

Also on this page:  Laptop Grants  |  Treasurer Documents

Expense Claim Forms for Local & SDC Reimbursement

SUN Provincial is currently revising our Expense Claim forms to create a more user friendly version developed specifically for designated events and the associated funding.  The first form was launched at the 2015 Annual Meeting; the new forms will replace the multi-use generic form by the fall of 2015. Come December 31, 2015, the old forms will no longer be available for use.

These new forms are intended for use by SUN Provincial only and will not be made available to Locals and/or SDCs for their use.  SUN Expense claim forms are for use of SUN Provincial for expense reimbursement and are not for Local or SDC use.

However, an Expense Claim form and funding guidelines for Local and SDC use have been developed for your convenience.

The funding descriptions are guidelines only. These guidelines are based on SUN Provincial policies and budgetary processes and are associated with funding from SUN Provincial.  It is suggested that SUN Locals follow the same guidelines and budget accordingly. NOTE: Any expenditure, whether they be for member funding or operational expenses, must be supported by Local/SDC bylaws and/or policies.
Each SUN Local or SDC is responsible for determining their funding parameters and communicating the funding restrictions to their members.

Suggested Meal Per Diems

In Province
  • Breakfast  $15.00
  • Lunch  $20.00
  • Supper  $30.00
  • Daily rate = $65.00
  • Breakfast  $22.00
  • Lunch  $27.00
  • Supper  $46.00
  • Daily rate = $95.00

Laptop Grant Application

To assist SUN Locals and SDCs with their work for the Union, SUN Provincial is pleased to provide one time grants to Locals and SDCs for the purchase of a laptop computer intended to conduct SUN business.

SUN Provincial will reimburse up to $500 towards the purchase of a laptop computer and applicable software (as per Policy 028-M-2007 for locals and 035-M-2007 for SDCs).

NOTE: Software purchased must be compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010 documents and accommodate the need to create word processing documents such meeting minutes, letters to the employer, etc. Recommended software would include Microsoft Office Suite, either Home or Student editions.

Once your Local/SDC has purchased a laptop and the applicable software, you may apply for reimbursement. If the laptop and/or software were purchased by an individual, the Local or SDC must reimburse the individual first. SUN Provincial will only reimburse Locals or SDCs.

Process for reimbursement:

  1. Complete the Laptop Grant Application form, including a signature from the Local President and/or Local Treasurer.
  2. Please include a copy of the receipt.
  3. Please submit requests to the First Vice President, requests may be mailed, faxed or scan the receipt and email the request.

Local & SDC Treasurer Documents

SUN has developed the following documents to help our Local and SDC Treasurers better fulfill their roles.

Local Treasurer Documents

SDC Treasurer Documents
