The following is a summary of business and financial decisions made by the Board of Directors in 2017.
JANUARY 17 & 18, 2017
- The Board approved the merger of Local 288 Watrous (Living Sky Health District, Public Health Services) with Local 257 Saskatoon Public Health and will become Local 257.1.
- The Board approved the SUN Local Bylaws for Local 62 and Local 106.
APRIL 24, 2017 - Pre-Annual Meeting
- The Board approved the recipients of the 2017 Community Donation to Lloydminster:
- Olive Tree for $20,000
- Midwest Families for $10,000
- Lloydminster Social Action Coalition Society for $20,000
- The Board approved an increase to the meal per diems for SUN members:
- Breakfast: $15.00
- Lunch: $20.00
- Supper: $30.00
APRIL 27, 2017 - Post Annual Meeting
- The Board appointed committees for 2017-2018
- Policy Committee:
- Tracy Zambory
- Denise Dick
- Jason Parkvold
- Lynne Eikel
- Paul Kuling
- Lorna Tarasoff
- Maureen Arseneau
- Governance Committee:
- Tracy Zambory
- Denise Dick
- Leslie Saunders
- Barb Fisher
- Mark Henderson
- Fred Bordas
- Laurelle Pachal
- Executive Committee:
- Tracy Zambory
- Denise Dick
- Paul Kuling
- Maureen Arseneau
- Lynne Eikel
- Jason Parkvold
- Lifetime Membership Committee:
- Leslie Saunders
- Mark Henderson
- Lynne Eikel
- Constitution, Bylaws & Resolutions Committee- Board Liaison:
- Jason Parkvold
- Program Committee Board Liaison:
- Mark Henderson
- Policy Committee:
JUNE 14, 2017 - Board /SDC Meeting
- Donna Trainor, SUN’s Executive Director and Amber Alecxe, SUN’s Director of Government Relations presented on Transformational Change.
- Donna Trainor, SUN’s Executive Director presented an Environmental Scan and SUN’s Strategic Plan Update.
- Beverly Balaski, SUN’s Nurse Research and Practice Advisor presented on “How to Make Regulatory Bodies Accountable” and Reported on the SRNA Bylaws.
- Alison McKay, CEO and Kelley Orban, Senior Director of Stakeholder Relations from SHEPP gave a presentation on the SHEPP Pension Plan.
- Tracy Zambory SUN President closed out the day with a State of the Union discussion with the group.
JUNE 15, 2017
- The Board approved the Local Bylaws for Local 295 - Melfort Area Home Care, Local 94 - Hudson Bay Health Care Facility, Local 19 - Kelvington Hospital and the SDC Bylaws for Pasquia SUN District Council.
- The Board approved the 18-month 2017 Strategic Direction for SUN:
- “Envisioning Our Future: Leverage the strength and innovation of registered nurses and SUN to positively shape transformational change for the betterment of safe patient care”.
- Board approved a donation of $5000 to the Red Cross to support the floods in Quebec.
- Board approved a donation of $2000 to Kids Help Phone.
- Board approved a donation of $2500 to The Broadbent Institute.
- Board approved a donation of $2500 to the Wounded Warriors.
November 16 & 17, 2017
- The Board approved the following donations
- $1000 to Child Find Saskatchewan
- $1500 to CCPA Saskatchewan for Sask Forward
December 12 & 13, 2017
- The Board approved the Bylaws for:
- South Central SDC
- Central Plains SDC
- Parkland SDC
- North East SDC
- The Board approved the following donations:
- $5000 to the Broadbent Institute
- $3000 to Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers in Saskatchewan
- $2500 to the Unemployed Workers Center
- $2500 to Briarpatch
- $3000 to the Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan
- The recipient of the 2017 CFNU/SUN scholarship is Simon Wourms